Personal Budget Calculator

Please complete the fields below to the best of your knowledge. Fields marked “[+]” are detailed dropdowns and contain subfields. You can also change the frequency to adjust the amounts.

Second job, additional income

Net amount stemming from work bonuses/awards

Scholarships, performance bursaries, etc.

Annual return stemming from your income tax declaration

Interest, dividends, capital gains, etc.

Life or fixed annuity

Pension fund

financial support to those in difficulty

Car purchase/lease

Taxi, train, subway, bus, etc.

Medical/paramedical/dental services, prescription glasses, etc.

Medication expenses, etc.

Books, equipment, extracurricular activities, tuition, etc.

Leisure, theatre, cinema, video rentals, books and magazines, sports equipment, etc.

Air fare, hotel, meals, equipment, souvenirs, camping, trip insurance, etc.

Newspapers, magazines, sports club, etc.

Family or friends.

Furniture, debt consolidation, etc.

Shoes, coats, sports attire, etc.

Spending money, car seats, baby carriages, toys, bikes, skates, clothes, courses, etc.

Hair or personal grooming

Packages, service charges, etc.

GIC, mutual funds, stocks, etc.


The information entered in the online budget will be stored on your computer so that you do not lose your data. To delete the data, click the “reset” button. We do not keep or share your data.