Making the important decision of filing for bankruptcy isn’t as daunting a decision as one may think. If you would like to get a loan, or any other credit, the most important thing to do is to re-establish your credit worthiness. Many may wonder if getting a loan is even possible. Below, you will find all of the information you need about what happens after making this pivotal decision.
Read moreThe Best Tools to Restore Your Credit Report
If you have a bad credit history, whether it’s from a previous insolvency or a series of youthful mistakes, don’t worry. This is not a life sentence! Various tools are available to restore your credit report, which will increase your score and allow you to obtain credit on favorable terms.
Read morePlan for the unexpected: 10 easy tips
As the new year dawns, younger and older couples are facing credit card debt that is close to the pinnacle. But how do we get our personal finances back on track when money is stressful for 43% of Canadians? Here are 10 tips to put into practice.
Read moreFrozen Bank Account? Here’s what to do.
Here is a typical scenario: you go to the ATM to get some cash to pay for your groceries, but to your surprise, your bank account has been frozen and you cannot complete your withdrawal. Panic sets in. How are you going to pay for your groceries, gas and other basic needs? Rest assured, there are solutions to lift the freeze code from your bank account.
Read moreThe Tax-Free Savings Account: Too Good to Be True?
According to Statistics Canada, the Canadian population is evidently aging. With the 50 to 54 age group being the highest in number, it goes without saying that perhaps most of us are concerned about building a solid RRSP for retirement. But let’s not forget the option of investing in a tax-free savings account is here!
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