Economic hardships often create fertile ground for fraudsters and scammers looking to exploit vulnerable individuals. With financial stress and uncertainty, people are more likely to fall victim to various schemes promising quick solutions. Protecting yourself from fraud and scams requires vigilance, knowledge, and proactive measures.
Read moreHow to Build an Emergency Fund
If you’ve ever found yourself in a sticky financial situation in which you were forced to dip into your credit because of unexpected expenses, then you should consider building an emergency fund.
Read moreDebt Relief Consultants: A Solution Consider?
It is an unfortunate reality that financial hardship has hit many Canadians during the Covid-19 crisis. For those who have never experienced the burden of financial distress, it may be difficult to know what your options are or who can provide you with enough information to help you get through it. There are many different companies and firms that offer help when it comes to debt solution, such as Licensed Insolvency Trustees and debt relief consultants. But what are debt relief consultants and are they a viable solution for overcoming your financial hardships? Below you will find all the information you need to know, so that you may be able to find the most successful recourse for your personal debt solution.
Read morePaying off Credit Card Debt: It Can Take More than a Lifetime!
September 1st, 2010, new information of major importance has made its way into your credit card statement: the time required to pay off your balance if you only make the minimum payments required. You may have been surprised to see that the time required to pay off the balance could be up to several years.
Read morePierre Roy & Associés is proud to announce the opening of a new office in Saint-Jérôme
SAINT-JÉRÔME, April 2nd, 2014 – Pierre Roy & Associés, trustee in bankruptcy, is proud to announce the launch of a new office at 60 rue de Martigny Ouest in Saint-Jérôme. The new office is the 15th location in Quebec for the bankruptcy trustee firm established nearly 25 years ago in L’Île-Perrot.
Read moreWhat Everyone Should Know About the Bankruptcy Trustee
There are those professionals that nobody wants to have to meet: the dentist, the doctor, the lawyer, the bailiff… and the trustee. However, you should know that all these people have the ability to help you solve your problems (health problems, legal problems, financial problems, etc.). Consulting a professional is always the right decision.
Read moreHow to rebuild your credit after a bankruptcy?
After being discharged from a bankruptcy or having completed a proposal, you will probably want to rebuild your credit. Your credit rating will have been affected, but it will only be temporary if you follow the tips outlined in this guide.
Read moreThe 6 Myths About Bankruptcy
For the majority of consumers struggling with financial difficulties, it is unlikely that they share with friends and family their questions or fears about bankruptcy. In this article, we will shed light on the six common myths about bankruptcy.
Read moreA Low Cost Christmas!
Celebrating Christmas without breaking the bank account – is it actually possible? Pierre Roy & Associates, advisors in financial restructuring and bankruptcy trustees, propose a few tips to limit the consequences of the holiday season on your family budget. The multiplication of gifts offered, invitations that accumulate left and right, numerous trips made, the purchase of a new sports blazer for “Mr.” and the ravishing dress for “Ms.” inevitably entails additional pressure on the family budget.
Read moreSands & Associates Releases First Annual BC Consumer Debt Study
Sands & Associates, B.C.’s largest firm of licensed trustees and proposal administrators announces the results of its first annual BC Consumer Debt Study, profiling trends and key information regarding the consumer debt levels of British Columbians, specifically from markets throughout Vancouver and the Fraser Valley.
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