Creating a budget is an effective way of keep track of your finances — especially if you had to undergo a change in income, job loss, or intend on saving money. Though creating a personal budget is important, if you live with your significant other, it may be time for you to create a budget together. Below, you’ll find all the information you need when it comes to budgeting for two.
Read moreWhat Are My Options If I Am No Longer Able to Pay My Mortgage?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Canadian financial institutions provided their clients with the option of deferring their mortgage payments for six months in order to help them through changes in their income or job loss. However, this mortgage deferral period came to an end in October 2020, and many are finding themselves unable to start making their mortgage payments. If you find yourself in this situation, below you will find the different options that are available to you depending on your personal circumstances.
Read moreDebt Relief Consultants: A Solution Consider?
It is an unfortunate reality that financial hardship has hit many Canadians during the Covid-19 crisis. For those who have never experienced the burden of financial distress, it may be difficult to know what your options are or who can provide you with enough information to help you get through it. There are many different companies and firms that offer help when it comes to debt solution, such as Licensed Insolvency Trustees and debt relief consultants. But what are debt relief consultants and are they a viable solution for overcoming your financial hardships? Below you will find all the information you need to know, so that you may be able to find the most successful recourse for your personal debt solution.
Read more5 moments when you should put your credit card back in your wallet
A credit card can be a very useful tool for daily purchases. A well-managed credit card enables a person to build a sound credit history which will help you in important moments such as when renting an apartment, or even subscribing to a new cellphone plan. However, the only manner in which you can build a healthy credit profile is by using your credit card responsibly. Below, you’ll find 5 moments when it might be best to put your credit card back in your wallet.
Read moreGetting a Loan or Credit After Bankruptcy, Is It Possible?
Making the important decision of filing for bankruptcy isn’t as daunting a decision as one may think. If you would like to get a loan, or any other credit, the most important thing to do is to re-establish your credit worthiness. Many may wonder if getting a loan is even possible. Below, you will find all of the information you need about what happens after making this pivotal decision.
Read moreWhen to Consult a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and What to Expect from Your First Visit
It’s difficult to know exactly when you should seek financial help when you’re caught up living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes, you don’t know the kind of situation you’re in until all of your bills pile up and you feel like you’re drowning under the pressure. Below, you will find information regarding the appropriate time to consult a licensed insolvency trustee and what you should expect from your first visit.
Read moreThe Best Tools to Restore Your Credit Report
If you have a bad credit history, whether it’s from a previous insolvency or a series of youthful mistakes, don’t worry. This is not a life sentence! Various tools are available to restore your credit report, which will increase your score and allow you to obtain credit on favorable terms.
Read moreCOVID-19: Mandatory Mask or Face Covering
Please note that, according to the new government directives, and this as of July 18th, 2020, anyone wishing to come to our offices will be required to wear a mask or a face covering.
For more information, do not hesitate to consult the Government of Quebec’s web page on the obligation to wear a mask or a face covering.
We thank you for your cooperation and your support.
Read moreCOVID-19: MAY 19TH UPDATE
Since the confinement and closure of businesses was decreed last March, we have continued to offer all of our services by telephone and videoconference.
Starting May 19th, although we will continue to promote our services using the means of telecommunications mentioned above, some of our offices will be open for individual face-to-face meetings.
The opening of all of our offices for face-to-face meetings will be done gradually over the next few weeks, following public health recommendations. However, strict and rigorous hygiene measures have been put in place to ensure your safety and that of our staff.
Contact us to know the list of open offices and the sanitary measures in place.
– Pierre Roy & Associés
Starting on March 24th, despite the mandatory break imposed by the government, all of our services will be maintained by telephone and videoconference. However, access to our offices will be closed.
We also have electronic document signature solutions in place. These measures are based on the recommendations of the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy.
Our goal is to maintain our services, which we consider crucial in the current situation.
We will keep you informed of any changes.
– Pierre Roy & Associés
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