If your financial situation becomes unbearable, bankruptcy and consumer proposal are effective and powerful solutions to relieve the pressure from your creditors. However, it is crucial to understand that not all debts can be discharged through these processes. Here, we will break down the different types of debts that are excluded in the context of bankruptcy or a consumer proposal.
Read moreImpossible to Lose Everything in Bankruptcy
When it comes to bankruptcy and consumer proposals, people are often afraid of losing everything. But is this fear justified? Let’s take a look at Stéphanie Auclair, a member of our front-line team, renowned for her empathetic approach to debt-related stress.
Read moreUnraveling Complex Debts: Strategies for Managing Debts With Multiple Creditors in Quebec
Dealing with debt can be challenging, especially when you owe money to multiple creditors. When you find yourself struggling to manage complex debts in Quebec, it’s essential to have a plan in place to regain control of your financial situation.
Read moreWhen Debt Becomes Overwhelming: Signs that Bankruptcy May Be the Right Choice
Debt can be a heavy burden that weighs down individuals and businesses alike. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, financial challenges can become overwhelming, making it necessary to explore options such as bankruptcy.
Read moreVoluntary Deposit: Is There A Better Option?
Debts can be a major financial burden that affects many individuals and families. A voluntary deposit is an option for those who are struggling to manage their debts. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about voluntary deposits, their advantages and disadvantages, how they are calculated, and whether there are better debt-relief options available.
Read moreThe Ins and Outs of Bankruptcy
Dealing with financial problems can be a challenging and stressful experience. If you are struggling to pay your bills, it may be time to consider your options. One potential option for people in financial distress is bankruptcy.
Read moreHow Insolvency Affects Your Credit
In Quebec, insolvency is a legal process that allows individuals and businesses to eliminate their debts and start fresh. However, this process has a significant impact on your credit score and credit history. Understanding how insolvency affects your credit score and credit history is crucial if you are considering this option.
Read moreExploring Alternatives to Commercial Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a tough reality for many businesses. It can seem like the only way to address debt and other financial issues, but there are alternatives to consider. With careful planning and a thorough understanding of the available options, it is possible to explore alternatives to commercial bankruptcy and create a sound financial future for your business.
Read moreEverything You Need to Know Before Filing for Commercial Bankruptcy
Filing for commercial bankruptcy is a difficult decision to make and one that should not be taken lightly. It can have long-term effects on your business, finances, and credit score, so it’s important to understand the process before making a decision.
Read moreDebt Settlement: What Percentage Should You Offer?
A debt settlement is a negotiation between you and your creditors that will allow you to pay off only a portion of your debt. Although this process may seem simple enough at face value, there are some intricacies that go along with it. Here’s everything you need to know.
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